Guidance for Life on Earth
Teachings and Practices from Inner Guides
Guidance for Life on Earth is a series of books written in cooperation with what Stephen experiences as inner guides, who describe themselves as multidimensional beings not focussed in physical form. The books present a radical and expansionary perspective on our world, and why we are here in this Earth era. Their intention is to support us in living our lives very differently and in creating a different world.
In Book One, Reality, Humans and the Earth, the Earth is framed as a plane of experimentation. What we understand as reality is a reflection of our inner state, mirroring the kinds of consciousness we choose to embody. Our primary purpose in life is to discover who or what we might be, and any difference we wish to make in the world needs to begin deep inside us.

In Books Two and Three, Being Human, Being World (Parts 1 and 2), we’re invited to explore the world as a process rather than as a place. We’re shown how we ‘world’, as a verb, how what we perceive as the condition of our world, and as the problems and crises of our world, are effects of choices that we are making, and how we may choose and act through greater awareness of ourselves and of the nature of our reality. We discover the vast scope of our work together, as we explore those inner worlds which we are each here to bring into manifest form.
We’re reminded that we aren’t here to try to put right whatever we believe is wrong with our world. In the midst of the collapse of much that we know, we’re here to bring and embody a consciousness that is transformative of our lives, and our world, on all levels. A consciousness that is available and waiting within us. We are guided, through the books, to open to our unlimited potentials and untapped sensitivities, to our capacity for love and deep relatedness, and to our own inner wisdom-streams.
There is also a shorter companion volume, called The World You Wish To Bring Into Being, where a wide variety of themes are explored, including perspectives on health, relationships, evolution and alternate human cultures.
All the books are available online from Amazon, some in paperback and hardcover format, where you can also read extracts. Book One is available in e-book (Kindle) format too. Find the books on most Amazon sites by clicking the button below.
Book One has recently been published as an audiobook, available on Audible, Amazon, and iTunes (Apple Audiobooks). To listen to a sample and to support the continuing expansion of Guidance for Life on Earth, please use one of the four country-links to Audible shown below. Note that there is no obligation to choose the ‘free trial’ offered on Audible; if you see only the ‘free trial’ then to display other options try signing-in to Audible using your Amazon details.
What Readers are Writing
“These books are much more than I can imagine. They are huge. They will change lives and with this will change humanity.”
“This book is the answer for the evolutionary moment I know we are in, bless you for the courage to bring this into the world.”
“More of a continuous prayer than a book.” “A palpable transmission of love.”
“A journey of transformation, not a quick fix self-help guide or book of philosophy. A sequence of practices which accelerate what used to take a lifetime of dedicated practice from a wisdom tradition.”
“The book invites a slow reading, often interceded with long moments of stillness and silence, which allow a wide range of altered states of consciousness to arise. This material empowers me, transforms me.”
“My experience as I read the book is of me in present time, while the understanding that is coming to me from the book is both ancient and futuristic, understandings outside of time.”
“This is a living book. It speaks what we need to hear or feel in that moment. I feel the words are alive, limitless pointers.”
“The book is transformative, powerful and precise; its impact unexpected and intense, challenging and clearing, allowing me to step evermore into a freer self.”
“Not a book but pure loving energy, limitlessly potent.”
“I feel a strong transmission which sparkles and dances with something deep inside and all around me. It glows with a subtle intensity that radiates out and infuses my whole being. This book, these words – a gift for humanity.”
“To be slowly, carefully and intimately engaged with. The book has led to explorations of previously unknown territory and opened a vision for evolving into a future beyond my imagination.”
“Things I know or think I know are presented with a clarity and a depth that is becoming my own. This is not a book to read but a book to wake you up, to show you who you really are.”
“An expanded overview of the shift and upgrade in consciousness emerging now on Earth, as well as exercises to help us increase awareness and embody the shift.”
“Each section is dense with insight and unexpected lucidity concerning some of the most painful challenges we face as human beings – while shedding light on a way through.”
Working with the Books
Guidance for Life on Earth is much more than a series of books, and the books are much more than simply for reading. They are tools for working with, or practicing the teachings, so that these become integrated and embodied in us, as a way of life, as a world different to that which we know. The guides’ intention is that the practices be explored between people, or ‘practice partners’, in pairs, and in small and larger group configurations.
As the books are published, Stephen regularly hosts online spaces to which readers may subscribe. His new offering is here. You will meet others online who are ready to engage more deeply with the materials, practicing together in creative ways to explore and apply the principles in your everyday life.

Previous online events
New online events for 2025
You may also subscribe to Stephen’s occasional newsletters below for all latest online and in-person opportunities. You are welcome too, to join a Facebook group here, for news and dialogue on themes raised in the books.
For news on forthcoming publications in the series, and on public events, subscribe here to Stephen’s occasional newsletters.
To register for one of Stephen’s events, or to make a donation in support of his work
About the Author

I’m a teacher, writer and traveller, born into a farming family in rural Oxfordshire. For most of my life I’ve lived outside England, working in personal, organisational and community settings to support people in awakening to their deeper potentials, through transformational group processes, healing rituals and systemic constellations.
In 2017, I experienced an opening to a source of guidance from teachers in non-physical realms. We began writing together, publishing our work as Guidance for Life on Earth: Teachings and Practices from Inner Guides. I now offer guided retreats and other events, online and in person, as part of an inquiry into higher consciousness and awakened life. I’m a long-term member of the Findhorn spiritual community and ecovillage in the north of Scotland.